“Emile’s listening skills, inquiry, curiosity about people’s welfare, and expert abilities as a facilitator make him successful as a business coach. He is a natural leader and knows how to guide people along with a hand at their back to both support them and urge them along in their natural process of growth and development. I highly recommend Emile.” Tim Godfrey, Founder - Fuse IQ

The Frameworks
Our intent is to help you Uncover the Heart of Your Business by guiding your leadership team to reveal the forces at play that drive the outcomes of the company.
These forces underlie the strategic thinking of leadership, the functioning and efficiency of teams and the mind-set that influences the success of a business. As we uncover the dynamics underlying your specific business challenge, we determine the most effective solutions in partnership with you and your team.
We provide business solutions and strategic planning in four areas of business to increase the capability and effectiveness of both commercial and cultural results.
Our analysis of any presenting challenge examines the Leadership & Human Capabilities; Organizational Culture; Business Strategy; Business Functionality and Productivity. The frameworks within each area are designed to focus the issues and provide clarity and precision for the needed conversations and decisions.
Our typical clients are medium size companies and family businesses up to 2000 employees, and start-up ventures.

Leadership and Human Capability
The senior leadership of an organization is the single most important factor in shaping the culture and the attitudes within the organization; attitudes that ultimately influence the productivity and efficiency of the business.
We help your executives build mentoring programs; we provide leadership training, executive coaching, team building and conflict resolution work to expand human capabilities, improve communications skills and enhance management of projects and teams.
Our goal is to develop and cultivate high performance executives and managers in order to unleash their skills in the highest and best way to grow your business and achieve the desired success results.

Organizational Culture
We view organizations as living systems and we believe that the mindset within any organization is a critical factor that determines the health and potential of the organization’s culture; it can be in constant flux or deeply entrenched. Developing the most effective mindset and maintaining its dynamism is one of leadership’s most important responsibilities, and it is the most challenging. A positive, vibrant and self-aware mindset is central to the forward thinking and innovation of an organization.
We support your organization’s leadership to examine its assumptions, expectations and values against the actual results of your company’s employees and teams. We then uncover the systemic patterns and underlying structures that have created the gap between the leadership’s vision and the company’s performance.
We guide the executive team to make conscious choices about the required mindset necessary to lead the company towards its desired potential. The result is a set of mental models that are driven down the organization through middle management to each individual team member.

Strategic Development
In the rush to maintain a positive balance sheet and to complete the next project on time, many organizations can neglect the big picture in favor of putting out the next fire. Appropriate prioritization takes a backseat to the expediency of the moment and long term strategies are dropped in the process. This dynamic can occur at any time, whether the organization is financially thriving or struggling.
We help your executive team review, systematically analyze and define your current business priorities against your long term growth and marketing strategies. We evaluate your organization’s position in the marketplace and provide your leadership with strategic plans to embed it in the market square while internally instilling it through the mindset and culture of the organization.
Succession planning is key to maintaining the future growth of an organization; strong leadership qualities among management and robust understanding of the required future capabilities of employees are essential for the development of an organization. We assess your succession plans and employee training needs and help you establish the necessary programs to maintain a vigorous, well trained employee base and a management team that has the capabilities and fluidity to lead and direct the necessary future development of the organization.

Business Functionality
A well-functioning system is a highly productive system. An organization that is capable of serving its purpose well is one that can perform to serve its clients with efficiency and agility. Most companies endeavor to create useful, practical and efficient systems and processes to enable the highest performance and productivity for its clients.
We help you review and analyze your processes, systems and operations to uncover your company’s capability. We guide your management team to take advantage of your existing resources more efficiently, help you reduce redundancy, streamline your processes, hand-offs and communications between business units.
We help you achieve stability within your systems through standardized application and integration of the parts, thus increasing productivity and decreasing the need for process changes caused by operational adjustments.

The Enneagram of Organizational Development
The Enneagram is a powerful model that illuminates specific patterns of how people think, feel and behave. It is a personality development map that provides effective tools for greater self-knowledge and emotional intelligence. The 9-pointed Enneagram symbol represents nine different personality character structures, each with its potential, its limitations and defenses. It illustrates nine distinct strategies for relating to the self, others, and the world and it clarifies how these different strategies are informed from a deeper inner motivation or worldview.
Its time-tested accuracy provides a precise and clear guide for self-observation to help individuals understand their patterns and survival instincts that often prevent them from growing into their full potential. By understanding their personality and that of others on their team, individuals become more responsible and aware of their own reactions and gain deeper understanding of how the different personality styles on their team are operating. Acquiring such clarity illustrates to individuals and teams that each personality style has its own equally valid point of view. Such understanding can support teams in becoming more effective in their decision making, help them resolve conflicts and differing opinions faster and provide them a foundation of cooperation that increases their productivity.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the workplace has become recognized as a crucial element of success in the business environment. It is understood that Intellectual Quotient (IQ) is not by itself sufficient in today’s competitive marketplace and that what propels individuals to successful leadership roles are typically higher levels of Emotional Intelligence. The Enneagram is a powerful model for the development of Emotional Intelligence; it maps specific developmental activities necessary for each Enneagram type to enhance emotional awareness, interpersonal skills, clear communications and feedback, conflict resolution and effective leadership.
We use the enneagram model to support the effectiveness of teams, to help individuals understand and navigate conflictual relationships and situations and to help build awareness and high levels of emotional intelligence in organizational cultures.
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